How To Make Over $300 In one day With Google Adsense Account 2022
What's going on guys it's Ali Raza here Purzouq CPA and affiliate marketing guys today I just want to show you an excellent way for you to start in mac man with google Adsense so first of all I know if you're doing marketing or you're doing kind of blogging or whatever kind of method you want to make money online the AdSense is also a good way for you to start implementing before I'm doing this I'm just going to show you how you can quickly make it 300 dollars a day okay this is just an update I can show you live you can see here even my balance okay this is for life so let me go and refresh it so that you can see I don't just change those figure because there's a lot of people especially in the other country without Nigeria they just edited this figure so that they're going to reflect it which is wrong they don't make
ng five dollars for every visitor who visited my page okay and when they click on ads on my Justin page or a blog okay I'm just making five dollars so that is my CPC at the moment so right now you can see the figure here just make 300 just today yesterday I make it three almost a four hundred lasting seven days I just make it two thousand dollars okay over two thousand dollars and also this month I just make it over thirty thousand dollars okay my balance here because I had not considered marching on google Adsense okay because of that I can say that that's where my balance we can see there's no any kind of payout okay this is the one which I come up in the lasting period which is 75 okay no any kind of period so let me go into the flesh because I know people start saying yo uh you just edit those figure there's a by the way people use this kind of method to edit the figure okay.
Let me show you how they reflect uh this figure, first of all, they just use inspector they right-click, and then go to inspect element okay when they go here what they did okay let me hide this and show you what they did okay but when they refresh this page is going to be different let me say I just want today maybe I want to edit this number here okay I just click it and then you can see let's pull up okay let me use this let me select this number I just want to edit this number you can see here this is the number so here I can say anything I can either put the one I just made it I can either put either 2000 okay
just two thousand then press enter voila okay that's how simple this is an easy way for you to get not manipulated especially on youtube there are a lot of videos out there on youtube this use this kind of method and then they just what they need is the uh let me close it what they did is just to manipulate you today.
I just make 2000 uh and also edit some of these features here and also even the edit is this last payment okay you can see I have a zero this means that it did not get paid on google access because I did not reach the accessing holding which is 100 so I will wait for this month then the next month I think I'm going to update you as you can see guys I'm just going to show you the method after um get paid I'll just go and update you if I get born or if they hold the payment so just make sure that you hit the subscribe button so that you can stay up to date so let's continue with this you can see here but when you come and refresh this figure let me go and even the last pay.
So you can see that even though I get paid so they lied to you so they get paid but in reality, did not get a cent okay so let's go to the last page here this figure let's go and select this one which is going to be pretty easy and click that you can see this one okay and then let's reflect this I just want to remember this into 10000 either into 10 or 40 want to show you how much I make guys Okay, they pay me to google pay me, okay, or they mix up some numbers so that you can see uh, man, this is a good number, this guy is making money but in reality, it's not so I just changed into forty-seven thousand okay that click in there you can see that's amazing okay then you're going to start to believe we all these guys really get paid look that's the payment you get paid for the seven thousand men I like this okay but in reality, he does not get paid if you told them to reflect.
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It's going to be full-back so we already changed this today and also the last payment so when they go to the flesh but sometimes they just go and edit it on their video okay they edit it on their video and then they show the same page which is totally a lie, okay a lot of video I see on youtube at the end of the day you fall in for the scum you get scum so make sure that you stay tuned on this is what they do okay so you can see I changed this one last payment and also today okay so let me go and refresh again you can see those number adjusting that's how this is that's how people get manipulated on youtube okay you can see it's backing into normal so this is the reality guys that's how it is I just want to give you updated on this so make sure that you stay up to hit the subscribe guy hit the subscribe button just destroy it and then I'll come and update you on if when I get paid and I show you.
If I'm not get paid then I'll show you uh how what is the problem either I get banned everything I'm going to show you okay when I get born I'm going to show you if I'm not going to get paid I'm going to show you okay that's how it is that's how you surely do this okay and also I'm going to show you even how you're going to making this kind of money on Adsense they're going to pay you how they're going to pay you you can see my uh my visit are always from top tier countries camp united states okay.
I met from the almost country last seven days 1k okay united UK and Canada so so my visitor always come from top-tier countries that's why I also have a high CPC and also very few page view paper per day but a high CPC okay imagine that every click you get a five dollar so I'm going to update you on how this is done so let's refresh it last time you can see I'm not lying okay that's how simple it is my hands is right here okay so guys that's how it is that's how you get manipulated when you come to hanging through books so hit the subscribe button stay tuned I'll hate you out peace okay bye you