Get High Amount from Shutter stock in 2024

Get a High Amount from Shutter Stock in 2024

I am Ali Raza From Pakistan, in this article reveals how to make money on shutter stock and how complete beginners learn 100 to 700 a day with no experience more than after the intro guys how's it going Khanewal here welcome this article before we actually remind you that several spots have opened up for this week's free workshop where it's the fastest and easiest way to make money online we literally have a 62-year-old woman go from zero to 160 grand profit in 90 days so sign up, for now, alright guys so for you guys understand why people make money on shutter stock you guys understand the entire making money online ecosystem essentially what it is you have like a business owner someone you know for example in some of my online businesses in the past 30 days we have netted 57000 net and in the past 365 days.

We literally went from like seven dollars a day all the way up to like 300 a day and even the crazy thing the past 28 days now we're like averaging about like a thousand dollars a day or so these business owners are literally looking for stock footage videos photography to go ahead and use as marketing products and um like content for their products offers services websites blog articles right there's a lot of people that make a bunch of money with their blogs and websites but they don't have the time to create like images like this to go ahead and make money so essentially what happens is there's a little people something like for example Microsoft com uh who literally posted this has made over forty-two thousand dollars in that just selling photos on you know for example shutter stock but for everyone getting started with like oh my god that's cool for you but like what are the pros and cons in that how do I get started how can I make my first 100 a day.

If I was just gonna start making money online and I wanted to start making money with shutter stock this is what I wish I knew the first step is understanding that the reason why people make money on shutter stock is because they are giving the business owners that are going there exactly what it is that they want so for example if you literally type in the short list on shutter stock this is their monthly guide to the most requested content now remember people go to shutter stock to go ahead and literally buy things for their business so that they could get a return in their investment okay so you can see the most requested for the following month you could see us back to school so as schools swing back into personal learning we're looking to document the transition with students ages 5 to 21 show students moving into dorm rooms and exploring campuses depict students of all ages hanging out with friends on or near school playgrounds portray students in class with teachers lecturing or demonstrating so you can see that this is very popular because literally people are saying hey we need this so if they are telling you that hey you know there is business owners that want these things that will allow you to focus in your creativity to actually focus on the certain shots that are actually going to go and make you money um the second one is caring for a drink summer is heating up and it is time for refreshment

All around this month, we are looking for people making and enjoying cocktails and bars homes outdoors make sure not to include visible branding or logos to capture images of the bartender or mixologists preparing ingredients and pouring drinks fine example of people making their own cocktails at home or in the backyard and another one safe and secure as security cameras are and equipment become more affordable home security is emerging as a trend capture homeowners or professionals installing security equipment around their property or inside their homes diverse weddings we're looking for content depicting modern weddings around the world LGBT people exchanging vows and celebrating so you could see they are giving you some type of an idea now if you think about this what did the opposition tell you okay this is education that niche makes a lot of money this one is local businesses that have bars that are trying to open up their website and then this one is like home security right

There is a lot of money in home security and weddings there's so much money in weddings that is why there are literally people that are coming up to for example uh shutter stock and wanting to buy for example diverse weddings for their blog or their website maybe they are like a photographer maybe you know they have like some type of video service they need certain things like this to go ahead and make money with it so you can see why like I just typed in the diverse wedding you already see the kind of like all of the different things that they are actually going ahead and looking for right and when you give the business owner exactly what they want it is a lot easier for you to hit those results and making your first hundred dollars a day even with shutter stock right the second thing that you got to understand is all the money comes in keywords okay.

So think about like in Google like when you go Google things like for example you know my dog kept on peeing on my pillow right i literally just got this new beagle you've probably seen her already and you know she literally pees on my pillow and i was like what the heck is that so i remember goggling why does not my dog pee on the pillow on Google and then a result pops up the exact result was a blog article that actually explained my answer it's the exact same thing in shutter stock people business owners are literally coming up to here saying like a photographer like oh I need uh something for my new website right so they're literally typing in wedding and they have all these things pop up what this essentially tells you is these are what people are looking for their blogs and websites they would actually pay you money for so if you could focus on creating photos centered on this the odds of you actually making sale and getting royalties from your you know photos are actually a lot higher okay so for example if i just type in a wedding dress right 

If i just come in here you can see all of these wedding dresses that people are searching for you can see what people are searching for on the top ones because the ones that are more likely more relevant the more likely you can go ahead and make money with it and then you can even go in here see these things that pop up these are all things that are also keyword ideas if you just you know make sure that you put the keyword for example floral style of like a picture that you took you could go ahead and make money with that right and you can see that some of the competition they're all pretty much similar so you if you already have similar photography there you could actually go ahead and make money so that's like the first level of making money but you're probably running okay mike maybe i could get two hundred dollars a day at most in passive income how can i get to like three hundred dollars a day five hundred dollars and700 a day well there's multiple levels right the second level then is instead of you selling directly to the business owner you sell to as many business owners as possible in the form of contact and then recommending shutter stock as a business to go ahead and deliver the content because for example as you can see right here they have this thing known as an affiliate program where instead of you having to take the photos yourself you could actually recommend people to shutter stock and earn upwards to 300 per customer right.

So think about this if uh you create an article like for example where can I get you know royalty-free images right there's literally people coming in saying where can I get high-quality stock photos this is something that people search on Google like what I do to search why my dog keeps on peeing you know the answer actually is because she says that she really loves me now as you can see there is literally blog articles that talk about where you know they get the top you know um stock footage online and a lot of them are just referring themselves to you know shutter stock the reason why is because if they go to shutter stock and someone ends up buying they can literally get 300 per new customer.

Now that's crazy because if you really do the math I mean there are literally millions of business owners every single day looking for where can get the best stock footage and if you could divert them to shutter stock you could make upwards to 300 per customer so you just get one a day that's really six figures a year right that's essentially what I do for other digital products services and software's and that's why you know without having my own product service or whatever in the past 30 days we've net about 57000 net and we scaled a new business in the past 365 days from seven dollars a day in the middle of august all the way upwards to three hundred dollars eight to five hundred dollars and so forth and if you would have told me back when I was studying to become a dentist that this was possible.

I thought you were probably insane because I never thought I could do anything I never thought I could achieve anything I was never the smartest person in the world and I never really thought that any of this was possible for someone just like me but if someone like me someone that's not the smartest person in the world can do it then why can't you guys if you need help with that if you want the fastest and easiest way to make money online faster than even depending on shutter stock because the downside is there is a lot of competition like you're competing with all these people that have similar things make sure you sign up for this week's free workshop where we have a 62-year-old woman go from zero to 160000 profit in 90 days as well as check out my podcast of all these multiple millionaires that literally live here in the channel where I am based at a lot of people that make money with photography and what not but also a lot of people making money with their online business.

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