Get High Amount Online Watching YouTube Videos Available Worldwide
What's going on guys Ali Raza, Here and in this article I'm gonna show you how you can literally make money online from doing what you're doing right now watching youtuber videos and the two most common questions i get in every single article is one can I do this worldwide and two can i do this with no money to start which is why i chose this method today because not only can you do this completely worldwide but you can do this with absolutely no money to start you just have to know how to do it which I'm going to explain step by step so make sure you watch every second of this article because if you skip ahead or you leave early you're going to miss out on key steps that will show you exactly how to do this method and if you stay until the end of this article I'm also going to show you a bonus method that can make you even more money online and if you like money and you're ready to get started i just ask for one small favor and all that is is to go down below this article and smash that like button as hard as you can because it really does help out this article and i actually really appreciate it but don't smash it so hard where you break the thumb like this guy did right here you just got to make sure you click it hard enough to turn it blue that's all now assuming you took the two seconds to do that let's get started alright so like i said in this article what we're gonna be doing is we're gonna be making money just by doing what you're doing right now watching youtuber videos and it works like this there's these things called social engagement websites there's a ton of them out here we're going to use very specific ones in this article though and how it works is we exchange our views on youtuber for points and then what we're going to do is we're going to exchange those points for social engagements on another website where a company actually pays us for that engagement and you may be wondering like why would a company pay for social engagement or what even is that right so it's basically like if you have a Facebook post or a Facebook page or a youtuber video if you have more engagement on that video what it does is it tells the algorithm that that video or that page is better and the algorithm actually pushes it out to more people so that's just one of the many reasons why businesses or people would want more engagement on their posts or videos or page and if that sounds confusing at all don't worry because I'm going to show you exactly how to do everything step by step and you can just follow along right with me so the first website .
We have is right here it's
called all right so you might have to do a captcha when you first get
to the website it had me do it you just had to like click on the planes or
something because this website is very specific about not letting bots on it
because a lot of people will try having bots do this thing so they can just make money for free and
not do anything so the nice thing about this website which is why we're using it is
because it's actually all real people and no robots so just keep that in mind
alright so once you're here you're just gonna click try for free now and then
all you do is you put your email your password enter your password again do
your captcha and then click sign up and I've already created an account but
after you do that something will pop up where it says you need to go to your
email to confirm and then all you do is you go to your email and click that
link in your email and you're good to go all right so after you've clicked that link in
your email you'll end up on their home page right here and as you can see
there's a ton of engagement that you can do Facebook followers all this stuff
and you could try out the other stuff for other websites or other social sites
but for this example we're going to go down to youtuber views and click that so
after you click youtuber views it will bring you to this page and as you can see
this article 3000 words for reading it you'll get 20 points and most of them are
around that amount so 75 seconds 20 points and then some will be like 150
seconds for 40 points and then literally all you do is you click view video and
then the video will pop up right here and literally you'll see that this counter
starts counting okay so I'll just fast forward it to the end alright so we're
almost at 150 seconds and i should mention that you can just skip ads this article didn't have any but you can just skip ads and the nice thing is you don't
even have to sit here and watch right you can walk away grab a snack whatever
now it's past 150 seconds so you can see it went up to 240 points just like
that and then sometimes after watching the video you'll have to click on these
two images to make them standing right side up again this is because they don't
want anyone who's robot doing this and then
you'll just hit submit but I'd suggest doing this until you have 1000 points
and the reason being is I'll do a little math for you real quick so if we open
up my so you start at 200 points and you need to get 800 more to get to a
thousand all right so assuming the videos you watch are 40 points for 150
seconds and just like this 75 seconds for 20 points same thing you just double
it it's 150 to 40 points okay so 800 divided by 40 so 800 points is what we
need divided by 40 which is what we get for each video that's 20 videos we need
to watch all right so then if we multiply that by the amount of seconds each
video is so 20 videos times 150 seconds that's 3 000 seconds for us to get
those 800 points.
Which will equal 1 000 total
points okay so 3 000 seconds divided by 60 seconds in a minute that's 50
minutes all right to get to a thousand so the reason i did that math is because
that 50 minutes all right I'm
going to show you how with this simple method you can make more than jobs will pay you for
multiple hours and depending which country and maybe the entire day in less
than one hour all from the comfort of your own home so make sure you keep
watching and you definitely don't want to miss this next part because this is
the website that's going to put it all together and allow you to actually make the
money so now that website is called and again just like the last
website you just got to click right here to sign up and then you just got to
create your free account so literally just go no create an account now and you
click sign up then all you do is fill out this information and you click I'm
not a robot or you can sign up with any of your social sites and then click
sign up and then it will bring you to this page right now you can either click
their logo right here or just click return to the forum home page now similar
to a lot of other websites out there this is just another exchange type of
forum website and it's not all related to gaming right so if we scroll down to
the bottom right here and then go right here to all other games slash
If you find one that's more profitable try it
I know that feeling but at the end of
the day you're still trading your time for money and trust me if you can get off
your job and do this instead it's awesome but
Thank you for Staying with us