Get $660 In 5 Minutes from PayPal | How to make money online | How to make money fast |

Get $660 In 5 Minutes from PayPal | How to make money online | How to make money fast |

In this is amazing article, do you want to earn PayPal money just like this over 260 dollars and right here another PayPal payment over 300 us dollars and guess what you can only repeat this as much as you want and this is actually very simple very easy that anyone can do this without any experience and in fact this is 100 free you don't need any investment or any money to get started and this opportunity is available worldwide in all countries in the world now in this quick article I'll show you how to sign up for a free account and I'll walk you through different examples and walk you through step by step how to do this and at the end of this article I'll literally just give you a copy and paste template as a bonus and you can start earning PayPal money literally starting today so make sure you read the full article all the way until the end and do not miss out on any important steps but before we start welcome to Purzouq where we teach you how to make money online the simplest way make. let's start with the article now in this article the website that I want to show you where you can earn a lot of PayPal money fast is Captera.

Now you can just go on to now here's the warning before you leave this article or skip any part of this article I have two warnings for you number one is the signup process here is a little bit complicated you can see here this is the entire signup process and there are literally three steps that you have to follow you don't read the full article you will not sign up successfully you will not make any money and number two the reason why you should keep reading this article because at the end of this article.

I'll show you a copy-and-paste template, in fact, I'll show you everything exactly how I'm making PayPal money on this website and you can literally copy everything that I show you and once again I'll give it to you for free at the end of this article and that's the reason why you should keep reading but before that let me show you exactly how it works now basically on they're gonna pay you money pay real cash money by simply writing reviews for different software so you can see here right on this website they have literally hundreds and thousands of different software you can write a simple review on just a very simple review and you can get paid for every single review that you write and don't worry because you don't need any technical skill you don't have to need any experience you don't need any money and you don't need to be good in English at all I'll show you everything step by step right here.

In this article and you can do this from basically any country in the world, in fact, I'll show you how you can copy and paste the entire review that I've written for you you can just copy and paste and start making money after reading this article so right now without wasting any of your time we're gonna dive straight into writing a review I'll show you step by step now, first of all, I want you to go on to the homepage of and click on the link right here on top write a review and from there that's going to take you to this page where you can simply search on any products or any company or any software that you want to write a review on or otherwise you can see where they recommend you some popular software that you can write a review so in this article.

I'll give you a special bonus tip to focus on PowerPoint because it's actually very easy and very simple so right now what I want you to do is to type in the keyword PowerPoint you can see here in PowerPoint and click on the search button and from there when you scroll down below you want to look for this link right here which is PowerPoint by Microsoft and you want to click on that and boom congratulations that are going to take you to this page where you can simply write a review for PowerPoint and once again you can do this on your phone you can do this on your computer, in fact, comment down below and let me know what type of devices you are using do you use a phone or do you use a computer but anyways when you scroll down below you can see here that's the entire process on how to write a simple review for PowerPoint and you can earn 10 us dollars and you can do this in less than two minutes.

Now let's go down to the very bottom of this page you can see where this is actually just step number one there are a total of three steps in this article it'll show you everything step by step make sure you read until the end and stay tuned for the bonus which I'll give you for free at the end of this article so first off on the initial part of step number one which is gonna be filling in some personal information just put in your first name your last name your email address and for the job title very important from now on you're gonna follow everything that I show you now first of all for the job title I want you to put in freelancer and it is very important because if you don't have any job title they will not accept your review and you will not make any money now for the organization name you can just put in self-employed just self-employed very simple and for the industry.

Now when you click on this down arrow you can find any industry that you want to choose from right now. If you are currently working you can just select any industry that you're working right now or otherwise, you can just put in computer software because you basically write a review for the software and once again you don't need any experience and from the company size you can just choose on me only because you're only self-employed and for how long have you used the software now very important if you click on these options right here you can see free trial less than six months or more than a year now if you choose on free trial you will not get paid so very important to choose on at least minimum 6 to 12 months so that they will know that you have certain experience using the software yourself.

Now let's get back to the article so moving on to the second part of this article how frequently do you use this software you can see here click on these two selection options and I want you to choose at least a minimum weekly choose on weekly and finally what is your role in using the software make sure to choose on this I am a user because you want to be the one using the software yourself and they will approve your review and you can make money so if you're still reading right now you have done a great job and that's how you complete step number one and moving on just click on the next button so basically right on this step they want you to put a rating how many stars do you give to the software that you are using right now and you can just select and read anything you want it's a very very simple step.

Just by clicking a few buttons now, you can see here there are a few things that they want you to put up a rating for example overall quality so, in this case, I highly recommend you put four to five stars in order to get accepted much easier so, in this case, I just put a five star for all of these criteria as you can see here, for example, customer support 5 stars value for money 5 stars now even though they say it's optional I would highly recommend you to read them as well in order to get accepted so, in this case, I just put a five star for all of these criteria as you can see here and moving down how does the pricing for PowerPoint compare to similar products once again it's optional but I want you to make sure that you answer this question as well.

So, in this case, I just choose this one and how likely is it that you recommend PowerPoint to your friend or your colleague now, in this case, I'll choose number 9 or number 10 because it's actually a very good software and I love it and I love to recommend it to other people as well so in this case I just choose this one and that's all you gotta do for step number two as you can see here you can just literally do this in less than 10 seconds and just go ahead and click on this next button to go to the final step number three now this is super super important because that's where a lot of people fail to make money on this website.

Because they don't know exactly how to write a review you can see where you're gonna put up a title for your review you are gonna write about the pros and the cons meaning what you like most about the software and what you don't like about  the software and after that, you still have to describe your overall experience with PowerPoint and there are many things to write on this step and a lot of people they're stuck they don't know how to proceed and that's why I want you to keep on reading this article so you can see here that's the entire script that I want to share with you we can see here PowerPoint review and you can earn 10 us dollars and you can just do it in less than two minutes this is absolutely crazy.

You can literally earn two dollars per minute using this exact strategy and earning PayPal money again and again so basically you can see here the entire pros and the entire cons of the software and your overall experience that's all we gotta need here and we can just copy and paste this answer and put them right here onto our review and the reason why this is so important is that you're gonna make sure your initial first few reviews to be accepted and then they'll send you more and more reviews to keep on doing and you can earn money again and again now for a lot of beginners when they fail to get approved on their first submission they will not receive any more reviews in the future but if you use my proven script you can literally get approved within today within 24 hours and receive your earnings.

now in just a moment, I'll show you how to copy and paste my template but I do want to share with you another strategy now for example when you go on to at their own website you can actually check out other people's reviews about PowerPoint you can just go down below and look for literally hundreds and thousands of people they are leaving reviews about PowerPoint you can see where they show you all the pros and all the cons right here on their website this is the actual review that is left by other people and a lot of people are leaving reviews and making a lot of money and you can see here there are literally so many people from different countries in the world.

They're leaving a simple review about PowerPoint and you get paid every single day and guess what you can simply go on to the website and you can check out literally tens of thousands of reviews by other people who are already making money on this website and you can get some inspiration and ideas on exactly how they are writing their review and you can copy some of their sentences you can refer to them you can put in your own words and your thoughts into their reviews as well and that's the extra strategy that I do want to share with you to get a lot of inspiration and ideas on how to write the review now a lot of people they don't share the secret and strategy with you.

 but I want to make sure that I can help you as much as possible so basically for the title of your review you're gonna write something like this very simple PowerPoint review it's all you have gotta do and for the pros category under this box you're gonna write something about what you like about the software now basically that's the script that's written for you you can just copy this script right here and just click on copy the entire answer we're gonna go back here and paste everything right here into this box and that's the entire pros so right there moving on you can do similarly for the cons you can see here just go back to the screen and that's the cons right.

Only copy this one just click on copy once again go back here and paste everything into the box so that's all you gotta do for two boxes finally on the last one describe your overall experience with PowerPoint once again it is optional but you can see here a lot of people who are making money on this website they actually answer this question now this is actually the most difficult part about a lot of people but you can do it in less than one minute because number one you can get this copy and paste template and number two you know the secret on how to refer to other people who already successfully submitted their review.

So i tried to make my article as simple as possible for all of you guys without any experience and once again on this question do you switch from another product you can just click on no and finally you can just tick on this one right here to agree to the terms and conditions and just click on the submit button as simple as that now as you can see here your products review has been submitted now you can just repeat the entire strategy you can just keep your momentum going and search for other different products or software to write a simple review on and earn ten dollars in less than two minutes and once again they have literally hundreds of thousands of different software that you can write a simple review on and you can just refer to other people just search on google and look for other people's reviews and use the answer to get inspiration and repeat the process again and again now for those of you guys if you want this copy and paste template for the powerpoint review all you gotta do is just subscribe to my channel and turn on the notification bell like this on this article share this article with your friends and leave your best comment down below and i reply to you. Thank you for reading this article


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