How to make Money using Whats-app in 2022 | Make Big Money Online With Whatsapp

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 In this article we're revealing how to make money on whatsapp and how complete beginners earning 100 to 700 a day with no experience more than after the intro hey guys how's it going mike basil here welcome to this article  before we actually begin i remind you that some spots have opened up for this week's we workshop where it's the fastest and easiest way to make money online sign it forward in the link below we literally have a 62 year old grandmother go from zero to sixty thousand dollars profit in 90 days so check it out now so i live in a very interesting place in the world known as bali Indonesia where i moved from America where literally I'm surrounded by all these multi-millionaires and make a bunch of money like this guy that makes a million dollars profit this 11 year old girl that turned on 30 million dollars which I interviewed on my podcast and not only do i interview a bunch of these people but it turns out a lot of these people end up making a good amount of money from whatsapp which i did not know was actually possible like how do people earn money from a messaging app like whatsapp.

 It started making me dive down the rabbit hole of what actually business is what marketing is and why whatsapp is a really really good way to make money even as a complete beginner when you start understanding certain concepts to allow yourself to build your own scale of business and what whatsapp can do is it it creates communities and it builds tribes and it was something that I learned about in this book called tribes by seth godin where essentially what it is the future of marketing and the future of business isn't about advertising or you know posting like a billboard or a TV commercial or an ad or whatnot he says the the future where businesses are growing are the ones that could create a tribe and a community of people that's where businesses are moving forward to that's why apple is so much bigger than Microsoft that's why all these businesses and companies creates tribes and communities around people it's why tesla stock grows it's why bitcoin keeps on growing over and over and over again it's because their marketing is in advertising .

It's in tribe building and what i realized with a lot of success people that literally live here in bali that make money from their whatsapp what they do is they use whatsapp groups as a way to build some type of tribe in some type of audience and some type of group so that they could understand exactly how certain amounts of people kind of uh respond to certain content so they could go and create another platform so here's what i mean like if i literally scroll down in my whatsapp group there are so many groups I'm part of from like salsa dancing groups to electronic dancing groups toentrepreneurship groups to um spirituality groups to meditation groups there's all these groups that I'm literally a part of in bali and I'm starting to realize that wow a lot of these people that have these groups are literally making money because I'm in their group and i started realizing well how are they doing well number one they are getting like a small group of people on whatsapp maybe 10 or 20 people.

But those 10 or 20 people are their dream customers and clients and those 10 and 20 people want to be in this group because guess what people want to be around other people that are just like them right i love being a part of all these groups I'm like oh my god i want to learn what is salsa dancing but shout out to today where can i go and meet up with these people right and just like that they give the news in the group and just like that i know where to go right but just like that what happens is the people that have these groups they start realizing exactly what gets people to take action and what people doesn't right like for example in an entrepreneurship group uh they'll post like some surveys every now and then on um things that we're having problems with guess what that does for them it gives them insight on what content that they need to go and create that's what i started doing I started building small little community groups and i started asking them what is your biggest pain point that i could go ahead and get solved and just like that i created that content on my blog and because that now we know exactly which products to recommend that i don't have to create myself in the past 30 days because we built a community we've netted about fifty six thousand dollars net and seven days we've netted about like ten thousand dollars net but the craziest thing is none of this would have been able to be possible if we didn't create like a small community of like 10 to 20 people we could kind of like ask feedback on on what's your biggest pain point what's your biggest problem what is it that you want to learn what challenges you want to overcome what are your goals.

When i started kind of creating this little focus group which is what it's called i started realizing that i could create content on it and then recommend them the products that they actually want which is how we're able to do this it's even exactly why companies like responding are willing to pay people a hundred dollars an hour for literally becoming a participant in focus groups that gives companies feedback on their products and services that's really something that people are creating here in bali with their whatsapp groups they're creating little focus groups of 10 to 20 people where even though they're not making their full-time living from these 10 or 20 people they're turning into a focus group where they can literally get data on what content that they need to create what products they need to create or what people they need to go ahead and partner with another way that people are also making money with that is just diversifying it and creating youtube videos about you know the content that they're talking about in the groups like in the groups that I'm in for example in certain bali groups or entrepreneurship groups people are literally telling about the problems their issues every single day which makes it easier for me to realize oh if i create content on that if this is what they're talking about.

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Now odds are that there's millions of other people going through the same problem so if I create content on that i can get found and seen and sell my products and services which is why when we started realizing what people were actually talking about we got from seven dollars a day in the middle of august all the way to three hundred dollars a day because we were literally talking about things that people were actively talking about and worried about when you create content based off of what people are worried about fearful about or where they want to go with their goals dreams and ambitions it's a lot easier to get found especially when you have your thumb on the pulse you can see from that we were able to scale to like 500 a day more on and more on because we just knew exactly what people were talking about like I've never seen anyone go from seven dollars a day to literally a thousand dollars a day in the past 28 days you know we're averaging anywhere literally like you could see this from eleven hundred dollars a day to thirteen hundred dollars a day because we know exactly who our dream audience is based off of the small group and communities that we build in certain groups and this is something that you could do in uh whatsapp.

But what if you don't wanna do this content route what if you want to actually go and sell products and services well one thing that people are doing is they're signing them up for coaching calls so maybe you do only have like a small whatsapp group or 10 or 20 people what people are doing is building a community and then they're signing for like a countless account which is a free scheduling service where essentially you could let get people to schedule an hour call with you that you could essentially charge for you know people here in bali charge anywhere from like 20 to 100 an hour or they get on on the call for free and sell them on like their five thousand dollar coaching i can't tell you how many people make money literally from their whats app groups and getting people to book a county call with them to get them on a five thousand dollar coaching deal like that was a crazy thing but even though for me like i didn't think i was an expert that could sell a five thousand dollar deal that's why i want the affiliate marketing route which we have a bunch of tutorials where we we recommend other people's products and services and that's why we're able to pull in 56 grand but if you want to be the expert and you want to do coaching a lot of people here in bali use whatsapp to build a small group in community and with 10 and 20 people they're only adding like 10 or 20 people a month they're getting people to book a call with them where they're signing them up on a 5 000 deal another thing that people are doing is they're selling group coaching on zoom you know.

They literally get people on a zoom meeting where you know it's like a community and a mastermind and a circle where they're kind of like masterminding with each other's business goals and dreams and associations this is where a lot of the opportunity is actually moving forward to these ways are like how all these people in bali are making money if it's not by using it as focus groups to create content and scale that way like what i do then it's actually by selling their coaching service or their mastermind groups which is what they're using calmly and zoom for and like i said people are making a hundred dollars a day with these methods to 700 a day as a complete beginner with no experience following exactly what I'm sharing with you because they're understanding that the future of business and marketing isn't by advertising but it's by tribe building and by really helping the people that are in a small community you try you don't need thousands of people you see 10 or 20 inwhatsapp group and maybe you need to go and check out this book tried by seth godin guys but hopefully this helps this is what changed my life business wise financially wise marketing wise if you want a faster news when make money online that's even faster than this check out this week's free tips & Tricks where we have a young and old reader  men & woman go from zero to 100000 profit in 90 days as well as.

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