Get High Amount To Watching Ads 2021 ! Get High Amount Best revenue Ads 2021

Get High Amount To  Watching Ads 2021 !  Get High Amount Best revenue Ads 2021

Hey welcome back this is Ali Raza.Now before i show you exactly how to earn seven dollars and 40 cents for watching ads and clicking go ahead and hit the subscribe button down below this article and make sure to click that little notification bell next to it so it can alert you on the latest ways of making money online. but check this out right over here as you can see a payment was sent to me simply for watching a few advertisements now results are not guaranteed you may earn more than this the same or a little bit less 

This right here is a payment I received for 30 seconds of clicking this is a swell bottle now in order to get payments like these you won't be needing a swell bottle but you will be needing a phone or computer.But I can tell you one thing if you don't follow the exact steps throughout this entire video then results like these will not be possible for you so make sure to stick all the way through and do not skip over any of the steps now the three steps to earning 7.40 cents every 30 seconds for watching ads are step number one I'm going to be revealing the number one site that is paying people to watch little ads okay step number two I'm going to be unveiling how to cash out your earnings with this site and then step number three I'm going to be showing you how to automate your earnings on this site and get other people to watch the ads for you okay so let's go ahead and get right into this I'm going to show you the exact website and then two separate strategies on how to earn the most money on this particular website okay so let's go ahead and go over here. 

This is okay okay now this is where you can earn money by viewing advertisements as you as you see right here watching ads will pay you for viewing advertisements um from their advertising partners okay so businesses come here they want to advertise their business they pay OJU and oju splits the profit with you okay they split that revenue with you um just for viewing those advertisements you don't have to buy anything it's totally free um so what you're gonna do is register okay earn watching ads you're gonna set up your account all right and I'm going to show you some ads that you know are going to look like this it's going to be like McDonald's maybe you know their MC  burger or whatever you're going to simply watch their little video campaign and boom money lands straight into your account okay so as you see you'll get a 20 bonus just for signing up earn watching advertisements and uh you know ism going to show you multiple ways to earn on the site so let's go ahead and go into the exact strategy now when we go over here okay this is gonna be our dashboard now the first thing you're gonna want to click on okay there's lots of things to click on but what you're gonna do is click on paid to click ads okay because that's what we came here for we want that quick cash and we want to make that money simply for clicking on little ads and as you see right here okay here's some you know businesses that are paying you to click on their advertisements okay you have unit systems smart trade coin time bucks uh Halloween promo okay lots of different ads and they're paying out you know very small amounts but literally the ads are five seconds you don't have to watch the whole thing just let it play in a separate browser okay you can click on every single one of these ads okay that's going to take you 10 seconds and then what you're going to do is refresh this page so that new ads come up and your money starts filling into your dashboard okay so this is a very quick very quick and easy way to start earning on this particular site now the money is not that great just for clicking on the ads you're going to have to do a lot of different ads so I'm going to show you even better way to start earning on this site okay so what you're going to do is you're going to click on offers and you're going to go to oju grid okay and that's gonna take you to this page now this page pays a little bit more as you see right here they're paying about a dollar just for clicking anywhere on this picture okay you're just gonna click all these advertisements little ads are gonna start popping up and you're gonna earn even more with this strategy okay.

So this is very easy to do and you know honestly this is one of the easiest ways to start earning money watching these little ads now I'm sure you're probably like well i can't be watching these ads all day so how am i going to earn even more well as you see in the left-hand corner they have a contest that they're giving away 700 okay so you're gonna click on this contest right here and they do this daily okay and I'm going to show you how to win the 700 very easily okay so what you're going to do is you're going to collect points it says contest invite new direct referrals collect points and get money on your current balance okay so how are you going to collect more points well you're going to have to get referrals meaning people come to the site okay strangers we're going to invite strangers on the internet to this site they're going to watch the ads for us and we're going to get paid not only based off what they earn but we're going to get this 700 bonus okay and I'm going to show you exactly how to do that as you see right here these are some of the prize winners this guy right here one 200 bucks this 100 bucks 50 bucks for third place fourth place 40 right and so on okay and then once you place anything lower than uh you know 15th place you're gonna get five bucks but hey you know any extra money is great and I'm gonna show you how to get thousands of people to come to this site and watch the ads for you so that you can earn not only from what they earn you can also win this contest every single time okay and get in the first place spot because this guy honestly is not even doesn't even have that many points I'm gonna show you exactly how to get more points um and win this contest every single day okay so um direct referrals now you're probably wondering what that means well when you refer someone to the site and they sign up and they start earning money watching ads you're gonna get paid out okay now if you have 40 direct referrals okay this is their benefits calculator you're going to earn 580 per month recurring right every single month you're going to earn 580 based off of your people the referrals that are watching the ads okay now let's type in like let's type in a safe estimate now let's say we get 500 people to this site okay you're going to earn 1714 people 1714 monthly from people watching ads on the site now this is a safe bet i can easily show you how to get 2 000 people to this site within the month and that's gonna be five thousand dollars in pure profit from this particular site.

So I'm going to show you exactly how to do that so let's go ahead and do that right now now let's go ahead and click on the um if you go back here and click on affiliate program okay that's going to take you to this page and basically you're going to earn 30 of whatever your referrals earn so if your one referral earns 100 bucks you're going to get 30. so imagine having a thousand referrals each earning 30 a hundred dollars you're gonna get thirty dollars times one thousand and then obviously that grows exponentially then you get two thousand referrals three thousand and you get more and more and more money without you having to physically log into the site and watch the ads yourself so I'm going to show you exactly how to do that what we're going to do is scroll down and you're going to see this little link right here okay link to promote now this is my special link you're going to have your own special link and when someone clicks on this special link and signs up to oju and starts watching ads you're going to get paid for it so what we're going to do is we're going to copy this link and we're going to go to two separate websites okay and I'm going to show you two different methods the first method is a free traffic method that's pretty easy and you could get a few hundred referrals the second method is a paid traffic method and you can get a few thousand  referrals within a couple days um very simply for a little bit of money and I'm going to show you how to do that okay so the first website we're gonna go to is and what we're gonna search in this search bar is make money online USA this is one of the biggest make money groups it has almost 200 000 members of people from the USA that want to make money online and they don't know how so what we're going to do is we're going to post our little link that we got over here right we're going to post that link and we're going to make a post similar  to this one right follow the link above to learn how Anthony made 100 thousand online and also how he can help you do it too and he includes his link right here and that's gonna be like our link we're gonna post something very similar in this group they allow you to post your links and they encourage you to post your links and share your business opportunities so that's exactly what we're going to do in this group we're going to post our link we have access to over 200 000 members and we're going to get at least a few hundred clicking our link and signing up to oju now let's just say you make 500 bucks this month with oju okay instead of taking all 500 and spending it on food or clothing or whatever right Christmas presents whatever it may be you're going to take half that money okay you're going to spend that on yourself right 250. then you're going to take the other half 250 and you're going to come to the second website that i personally use to earn six multiple six figures online with okay now this is called

I'm going to link a full tutorial up in the right-hand corner about this platform but I'm going to quickly show you how to use it but you're going to want to watch that full tutorial if you want an in-depth on how to use it and my top vendors but basically what this website is is basically i can pay money to these vendors who have millions of emails of people who want to earn money online and they will send out an email for me with my links and to their email list and they insure they promise visitors to my links they promise people clicking on my links and signing up so what i do is i go to one of my favorite vendors or i can click on the solo deals right here and you can see they have deals right this one 31 off this guy is pretty popular he has 2 324 orders that means he's doing a good job people are getting results based off this guy and I'll click on him okay go to his profile and I'll say hey you know send me 1 000 visitors i want 1 000 visitors to my link to sign up with oju and start making money so i could start making money right if a thousand visitors each make 100 bucks you know that's 30 times 1000 okay that's huge money right there so you're making thousands of dollars and all you have to spend is 413. so I spend 413 paste my link right here and i add to cart and basically Hassan Raza is going to send out an email to his list with my link to and he's gonna ensure a thousand people click on my link and sign up okay and that only costs 413 bucks and then I make thousands and then i keep rolling it up and i keep reinvesting and growing my customer base on oju  now this is a great way to start making money but if you want to see how I'm earning over a thousand dollars per day in passive income go ahead and click the first link down below this article or you could watch one of these two articles right here I'm gonna link that full tutorial on udemy and I'm also gonna link another way of making money online if you wanna learn a different way than this one okay so go ahead read  one of these two articles and I'll see you in the next one take care

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