Get High Amount Self Publishing Online Books in 2021 |Get High Amount |

Make Money Publishing Online Books

Get High Amount Self Publishing Online Books in 2021 |Get High Amount |

In today's article  I'll be going over the three main ways that i make money online self-publishing books through amazon what is going on guys welcome to the channel if you're new here my name is done and on this channel i talk all about self-publishing books on amazon all in entrepreneurship and just life style in general so  i said in the beginning but in this article  I'm going over the three main ways that i make money self-publishing books on amazon okay and I'm also going over a bonus one at the end so make sure you stick to the end if you want to hear about the bonus way that i make money through  self-publishing books but i don't want to waste any time I'm just going to jump right into what these three ways are not going to babble on about anything extra let's just dive right into the article okay so we're in my computer here now and as you can see on screen i want to make it very clear these are in absolutely no particular order i do make more money from two of the ways compared to one but the other two kind of fluctuate between months sometimes i make more with one publishing model sometimes i make more with the other one it totally  depends on the month and what is going on okay but anyways just want to make it clear not really in any particular order okay so let's dive into the first way that I make money self-publishing books through amazon okay and number one is a term that i didn't make it up or anything i just call them these because  they're kind of in between the other two that I'll be talking about later on in the article  but diy style books are kind of in the middle and let me explain a little bit more why okay and they are instructional type books with around seven thousand to ten thousand words okay and don't get me wrong that's just a rough estimate they can have more than that um but to give you the best idea give you the best picture in your head um diy style books have around seven thousand ten thousand words each and I'm giving you examples so don't worry I'm not just gonna like talk about them or not actually show you some examples of what these books look like I'll be showing you in just a second and also be breaking down the pros to each model of publishing way that i make money with publishing and the cons to each okay.

So let's dive into the pros and cons for diy style books these are a happy medium between the other two okay I'm talking about the other two in just a sec um and what i mean by half a medium it's kind of a half for me between cost and reward okay they cost less and they also can get you a lot of return on your money um when you publish them and it just depends on when you publish these guys they can trend and generate a lot of income in bursts okay and what i mean by trending is that during seasons or holidays okay for example i have a Christmas style diy book um trend during Christmas okay and it can generate a lot of income during that time in a strong burst another thing to mention another pro is that they're very beginner friendly okay and all three of the things I'm talking about in this article are beginner friendly but i did want to put it in there because is a pro diy style books very beginner friendly and a good way to generate startup cash and finally they take around one to two weeks to have made which is very short for a book okay it's not very long to wait uh one to two weeks to get a book made and start making money from it okay um the cons there's a cost of sodium associated with making these there are some books I'll be talking about in a second you can make for absolutely zero cost maybe a little bit a couple of startup costs but once you get the startup costs out of the way um you can really make the other books I'm talking about for free um but with these guys each one it's gonna cost you zero to 250 and the reason why i say zero there is because i still i still call these diy books which is do-it-yourself books because you can do them yourself um but the thing to take away from it is that you can outsource it as well which is going to speed up the process and put a little bit less stress on your shoulders so i usually do outsource it which ends up costing around maybe 100 to 250 dollars per book on these guys okay but i do want to put zero there because you can do them yourself not really recommended but if you like writing and you want to make a diy style book by all means you can go ahead and do it for yourself okay finally there's seasonal holiday based I kind of mentioned this already so these kinds of books typically not always but for the most part these kinds of books only do well during their specific season so you could have like an Easter style one like a thanksgiving one Christmas one back to school style one okay but those are all like seasons or holidays not really seasons but they're just holidays or special events that take advantage of these kinds of books but once those events or special events are over these kinds of books won't sell as well so moving into some of the examples here.

This the first example you can see a workout book and like i said these kinds of diy style books are instructional based books so this one's like a hundred home workouts all right and typically speaking diy style books are listy style books so this is a good example there's a hundred different workouts listed in that book another example we have meditation books okay only has a few words like not a few but has way less words than a regular conventional book that has like 30 000 words or something like that because a meditation book is typically sold in an audio book and it has way less words and it's just a good example of a diy style book because it's way shorter to make and you can still make just as much money off of it and i want to mention the last two books i mentioned meditation and the workout books they tend to trend during the beginning of the year in like January when people are making goals they're making their new year's resolutions and they're looking to get fit or they're looking to meditate be more mindful whatever it may be these kinds of books are probably doing well at this time of year right now because it's January when I'm filming this article the last example i want to talk about are cookbooks which are borderline you can see at the top they're kind of borderline between diy style books and  the last kind of book I'll be talking about the third way of making money but i do want to classify them as diy style books because a shorter cookbook is definitely a diy style book and when it comes to these diy style books they have a lot more pictures in them it's listy again you're just listing out recipes and this one has around 85 recipes as you can see on the cover there so it's a shorter style book has a lot of pictures a bit listy and it tends to trend during the season of like holidays so it'd be like thanksgiving um in November October like Halloween Christmas time this kind of cookbook will do way better during that time than it will say right now and throughout the summer and stuff like that so number two on this list these are called low content books and this is the second way that i make money and this is probably the this is the one i was talking about I don't make as much as the other two so diy style books and the third one I'll be talking about low content books make up probably around five percent of my monthly income but i want to include them here because it is definitely another way you can make money self-publishing books through amazon okay and low content books are books with very little content that can be mass produced okay I'll be showing you examples in just a sec but to give you a quick example before i start talking about it think of like word search books Sudoku books just kind of gaming books ones that don't have writing in them per se but they have like activities for you to do and participate in okay that's kind of a low content book so let's move into what the pros and cons are for low content these are usually not outsourced and created on your own so like i was saying last time these are the kinds of books that you can make for almost free you do want to get some software in the beginning when you're starting out in order to make them once you pay those off it's basically free to make these kinds of books especially.

If you're making your own covers and stuff like that i can take a few days to make and take one day can take one hour can take 10 minutes some people are absolute pros of these and once you do more and more you get quicker and quicker making them and you can make a lot of these books in a short period of time okay so it's definitely a pro when it comes to low content again they're beginner friendly and good way to generate startup cash okay so much the way the diy books are these are almost free so if you need to get some startup cash when it comes to publishing books starting with low content is never a bad thing to do you can get up get some startup cash get some cash flow so you can invest in higher content books get more startup cash for those guys and put them back into the business reinvest and grow your business so that's a good positive when it comes to low content so from my experience and from what a lot of people will say is that you need a lot of these books in order to succeed okay so if you want to make a publishing business based solely on low content it's going to be a little bit more difficult than if you were to go low content diy and the third way of making money I'll talk about in a second mix them all together if you're just gonna stick with low content it's gonna be kind of difficult you gotta make a lot of these books in order for them to stick and actually make sales and make money um they're not traditionally the highest quality of books okay so if you're like someone who's meticulous and a perfectionist kind of like myself um making these books they don't have to be perfect and not going to be a super high quality because you're making so many of them so it's not really my favorite thing to do and eventually you can burn out because you got to make so many of them every single week you're publishing more and more books it's just like man i don't really want to publish that many books every single week some people love it don't get me wrong but personally from my experience i prefer to do maybe one or two books per month at most so here are some examples of low content the first one is this learn to write so it's like a blank book with like blank pages and it's for little kids to learn how to write online okay no content low content should be getting to make sense to you what they are now so Sudoku like i said there's a game in there and you just write in the book there's no like words or anything like might be a few words but it's just Sudoku puzzles but that is pretty much it for low content books another thing you do is like a word search book or just any kind of thing that's fill in the blank log books those are other examples of little content so the third and final way that i make money publishing books through amazon is through a way called long form books okay and long form books are informational type books okay remember i said instructional books for diy style it comes to long form they're more informational based books don't get me wrong they can be instructional but for the most part from my experience and from what i publish usually informational type books I'll give you some examples of course in just a second and they have usually 25 000 or more words each so the pros and cons of long form pros they have high probability for long term reward these kinds of books tend to stick around for the long haul instead of just kind of having a couple good months and dying out like the diy style ones um they also allow you to establish yourself and your brand you can make an email list out of these guys make an ecosystem out of these guys as i talk about I'm not going depth on what that is right.

Now but you think about what an apple ecosystem is they have a bunch of people in their ecosystem using all their devices so in this instance they'd have like all of your books they'd be on your email list you send them emails communicate with them long form books are the easiest to do that with you can do it with diy style books it's kind of difficult you can do it with low content you can i don't don't get me wrong you still can but when it comes to long form i find it to be the most easy because your your books are longer you can connect with people more and you can get their emails and really build that kind of fan base and finally they're still beginner friendly okay don't get me wrong even though they seem like the hardest one to make they are but they're still beginner friendly and as a beginner you can get right in there with them if you have the startup cache okay the cons they take a bit more work but it's highly worth it in the end okay um i don't like say don't do them you have to get these guys in your portfolio eventually when you're publishing books they do take a bit more work though they do take a lot more time to have made can take one to two months depends on how it is obviously there's way more words 25 000 or more words it's going to take a lot longer to make and finally they cost a lot more to make okay for a decent not really great quality one it's gonna cost you around five hundred dollars for a good quality one eight hundred to a thousand plus okay and uh obviously we're going for quality here so i recommend going in that range if you're gonna make a 25 000 word or more book and publish it on amazon here's some examples so like i said informational type books this is a self-help example um it's all about narcissism and dealing with a narcissist and that's going to be around i think i checked it earlier it's around 25 to 30 000 words um another example is a book on rental property investing so real estate investing informational based book another long-form book and with these kind of books it's usually got like a table of contents it's a dis it's a traditional style book it's got like chapters in it tons of words some pictures here and there not as many as a diy style book um so yeah that's what those long-form books usually look like um don't get me wrong diy style books can still have tables of contents with chapters and all this stuff but they have lots more pictures and a lot more listy compared to these guys where it's informational there's chapters there's paragraphs there's all that good stuff when it comes to making a book and finally like i said in the beginning the bonus is audio books on screen here you can make audio versions out of your books okay and uh typically these are going to be your long-form books so those twenty five thousand or to thirty thousand or more word books um they can be diy style books definitely not gonna be low content style books.


 but if you're making an audio book out of a long form book that's always a good investment in my opinion um audio books are sold through audible which is also amazon's company so it's an additional income stream you can add on to your self-published books that you publish through amazon so those are my three main ways that i make money self-publishing books through amazon plus the bonus at the end there which is audio books and if i had to break them all down I'm gonna do some quick math here like i said low content books around five percent of my income diy stub books fifty to sixty percent of my income oh i gotta do some math here um long form books around 30 to 40 so it's always varying it's always ranging and then audio books like 10 and yes that was over 100 but it always ranges per month so change the numbers as you will um to get them to 100 but that's kind of my breakdown of my publishing portfolio and the three main ways plus audio books they make money through publishing so if you want to learn more and get started with your publishing journey and start utilizing these three ways to make money you can click the link down in the description it's completely free go through that and I'll get you started on your publishing journey so you can start publishing books just the same way that i do and start making money online that's it for today if you liked the article make sure you leave a comment in comment section.



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