Get High Amount From Blogging in 2021 |Get High Amount Advanced |

Make Money From Blogging in 2021

Get High Amount From Blogging in 2021 |Get High Amount Advanced |

What's up y'all welcome back to the Purzouq  if you're new here I'm Ali Raza and around here I give  tips and tools to make more money from home and today .I want to get into the story about when I had my first thousand dollars month vlogging so I was sitting here filming and doing some working all that good stuff and I just saw something that triggered a memory for me and so I thought I would jump on camera and share it with you guys I hope that it truly helps somebody because I know that this thing really really helped me to get to where I am today in my business so I want to talk about when I had my first thousand dollar money blogging now the first thing I want to say about this is in order to make money with your blog anyway you need to be on a self-hosted blog that means that you need to have a blog that set up on I'm not sure why but I originally started my blog off on so I never had any problems moving it over anything like that I started my hosting with Bluehost  it was cheap okay it was just a few dollars a month and I started my blog I'm like I said I didn't even know you could monetize when I started it but for some reason or some wait I knew that I needed a self-hosted blog I don't even know how but if you have yet to start your blog and you are looking to start it or if you are on something other than a self-hosted blog please go and get yourself a host a blog on WordPress that's what I work recommend set it up get your hosting something sheet there are several sites out there I recommend Bluehost because for one they are cheap they are reliable hunting and customer services off the chain OK there's so many times I've had to chat in cuz I broke something on my site trying to put up plugins or do this and makes up look you messed it up whatever I could call them more chatting with them and they would help me fix it so we got that out of the way let's get the story so this was in 2018 when I was just about a year in to my blog see I had my blog before that but I knew nothing about being able to monetize it or anything like that I was really just writing for the fun of it or just because I wanted to get those sites out but anyway in 2021.

I realized that girl you can monetize this blog so you need to get going so pretty much it was at the start of 2018 when I decided okay well I'm gonna start trying to monetize this blog right so I just wanted to give you that for some context I was fairly new I just started um trying to figure out the ways to monetize my blog so I went to this blogging conference and I met so many amazing women there that oh my god I just learned so much from and one of the girls just really sat down and we were talking during lunch and she was just like going on and on about how much she makes and all this good stuff and I'm just like oh my gosh girl I'm not even monetizing like that you know and she was just like girl you need to be putting yourself out there you know and pitching brands and you know just putting yourself in front of brands in order to get pitch to and all this stuff right and so I'm like okay you know cool you know I'll figure it out um I can learn and all this good stuff so just want to give you some back story right okay so anyway I was like okay time for me to do this I'm ready to monetize and I think I started trying to monetize the first month obviously it just didn't really work out for me and then the second month I applied to this network to where you they have brand campaigns there and you can apply to them and get chosen and then you do it that way now the pay is not as much when you're doing it through the networks but hey when you were making nothing it was something is better than nothing okay so I started to apply through these networks and I started getting chosen for opportunities so I would make $200 here $300 there right you know just money that will come trickling in depending on the campaigns that I would get chosen for so I was just like maybe like three or four months into doing that and I was like okay I know that I can do so much better than this I know how dope I am I might not have the largest platform but I know that I really can create good work I want to make a thousand dollars in one month right so for me that was my very first goal if you have been around here you know that I love to set me a good old goal and work toward it in till I reaches so I was like I'm gonna make a thousand dollars in a month that's it that's it that's it period that's all that's it I'm gonna make this thousand dollars in a month so one day I was as  minding my own business and I got an email from this brand saying that I'm they had been following me and they just loved my content and my platform and all this stuff and they were looking for people to kind of start an Influence program around their business and asking me what my rates were y'all let me tell you I was a little shocked because this was a very reputable brand local here in my area so it was a local business that was reaching out to me.

I was really shocked because this is one of the first times that I had gotten pitched from my brand now obviously I've gotten emails before but they want to be on a play play and give you products or you know want you to do stuff for free but this was like one of the first opportunities that I actually got pitched from the grandpa hold on I actually got the emails pulled up right here and I want to give you a breakdown of how this time line went right so they emailed to be on may 27th of 2021I'm saying that they were looking for people to be a part of their fluency program and they wanted they were considering me and they wanted to know what my rates were so on may 28th I responded with my rates now when I got this email I was thinking to myself okay so they already have watched me they already know my platform so that means they're interested in me I'm going to pitch a video to them because I love to do video and I know that with video you can make a lot more right and so I was like I'm gonna pitch a video today and I'm gonna go for what I feel like I'm worth right so I went to craft at my response like yes honey this is what I can do - duh and it's gonna be my you I knew nothing about pricing or anything I just pulled a number out my tail okay I just pulled a number out of my tail and I was like okay we'll be 750 dollars right this was my response to them so I sent the email back and crickets nothing no response nothing like and so me being how I was at the time and not quite fully confident and all that good stuff I'm just like oh my gosh what I say 750 dollars who's gonna pay me 750 dollars to do something like I got so discouraged like for real I got so discouraged and I just let it go so that was June 28 right a few months later we're talking all the way in April by this time I'm really really really in the groove of making money through the networks right I'm making consistent you know three four five six hundred dollars a bump but I still have not reached that thousand dollar month that I wanted to reach now in September I got in its closest I ever got to a thousand dollar goal right I think that much I hit like seven hundred dollars or something like that obviously still a couple hundred dollars shy of it but I was just like I'm getting closer so things started to pick up and I was slowly making more right so April came around obviously when I look back at what I was doing obviously when April rolls in I was like listen no it's going down this I'm just done I'm doing it I gotta meet this thousand dollars so I was talking on the phone to um one of my blogging friends and just telling her like listen I'm really ready to level up and I just I gotta hit this goal this is my I don't know how I'm gonna get there but I gotta come up with something we gotta come up with the strategy right and so we were just talking and she was just like um yeah so have you done this are you doing this and a lot of the things she was saying I really just was not ready for you know I wasn't ready to do but she mentioned she was like have you spoken to all of the companies that you've work with before you know um have you like reach back out to them to see if they wanted to do some extra work or anything like that and I was like no no I don't really have anybody hour or whatever so we off the phone so when I hung up the phone with her right I went to look through my emails just to see who I had work with who I had been talking to that maybe want to do some more work with me or whatever my remember at this point I had done very many projects outside of network so I was like I don't have anybody but I'm scrolling through the emails right and I come up on this email so I open the email I'm like oh my gosh like these people just never even thought service pond-bank .

But mind you at this point I didn't got off the phone with my friend and my confidence on Tim okay confidence on 10 so I was like you know what I'm about to reach out I'm about to reach back out to this person and see if they're still doing this influencer on program she was talking about and if they're still interested I'm moving forward you know so I email her my this is April 3rd of 2021 so on April  3rd I send her email and it says it's been a while it was great to hear that you're looking to expand your influencer program I'm touching base with you to see how it's coming my favorite time of the years here and I love to celebrate it with you all I'm looking forward to it that was a literally the email that I sent that that basic that cut-and-dry right oh my god so I sent the email at 10:40 6:00 in the morning at 11:46 she emails me back and like oh thanks for following up yes absolutely we're still looking for people and we would love to work with you one hour later one hour later she emails me back right and so I email her back that same day and we're going back and forth and she's basically like okay what you wanna do how you want to do  it we're going back and forth the same day you guys that I found the confidence to reach out she emails me back literally then by the next day April  4th we had come up with an agreement on what type of content I was going to do what they were what with the products that they were going to give me in addition to that payment amount of 750 that I had pitched them back in June in addition to that by the next day April 4th we had come up with the entire agreement of what we were going to do then this is where it gets crazy and this is why I wanted to tell you this by the end of the day on the following day they were paypal my production costs they were paypal and me .My $200 production costs that I requested by the next day of me sending that follow-up email I did the campaign everything was executed and by the end of that month I was getting the remainder of my payment the five hundred and fifty dollars for the full campaign obviously along the way in that month I reached another two hundred and fifty dollars from a campaign um post that I did I actually did a couple I think I want to say I did to that month plus the 750 that I had me from that program simply by reaching back out to somebody who pitched me way months earlier right so I wanted to tell that story because I really really honestly think that timing the confidence in yourself to just step out on faith and do things that you probably didn't think you could do or reach out and just taking a chance sometimes it will pay off for you right

So I learned that day that one I was under pricing myself because honey they said yes absolutely way too quickly just like yeah okay we'll give you 750 so I knew I was under pricing myself it's not 750 today I just want to let you know that but I was like I undersold myself I probably could have gotten 1750 you know what I'm saying but I didn't know I was naughty but it took that experience to truly get me the confidence as to where I am today and be able to ask for what I asked for today so I wanted to make this video so that you can have the confidence in yourself that you can ask for what you want right when you set a goal that you really can't meet that goal as long as you're willing to go forward you know sometimes we're all super timid and we're like and I'm gonna do this and people are not gonna buy this and whatever no you have to get out here in this space and do it with confidence and be bold and learn to follow up with people people are busy okay we all got a lot going on people are busy however the person that makes the most noise is the person that get hurt I tell you guys that all the time that you got to get out here and do the most right you got to get out here and do the most and it's the same thing with that with working with brands and making your money via brands and stuff you have follow up with them follow up with them again let the did you hear follow them on social talk to them on social and all that good stuff but I wanted you to know that it's possible okay it is possible I did that at a year-end right I did that a year in the game not really knowing what I was doing by simply just putting myself out there throwing a number out that at the time felt really big to me but I did you know I'm saying I was like I'm just gonna ask for it what were they gonna say yes or no and if they say no that ain't gonna happen I'm a surviving it you know what I'm saying so I wanted to share that story because I get a lot of you that seem to be lacking confidence in yourself that you even can do this right um some of you that have already started the blog which is amazing but some of you haven't even started but you want to and you're sitting back just watching other people do it and you don't even have the confidence to start I'm gonna need you to start if I can just throw a number out there that felt so big to me at the time and get it then you can simply start now if you have started and you went are where I was at the time and just you're not monetizing like that you can now you don't have to start with doing brand partnerships I'm like I did I just happened to feel confident comfortable doing that at the but you can start with selling your own products you can start with affiliate marketing however you want to start now y'all know my recommendation is to start with affiliate marketing just.

Because I feel like it's easy and it helps you to learn how to position yourself in sale and all that good stuff I have a video talking all about it you can check it out right here um and learn a little bit more about affiliate marketing when I say that but if you have started that is amazing you're amazing keep going okay but if you have not monetize it yeah get up your confidence find the guts to just get out here and do it right because you want to make money and I know it seems tough but you can do it so I wanted to share this video just to tell you that you don't have to be ready you don't have to even be confident really but you gotta just do it in spite of any feelings that you're having if you feel scared if you feel intimidated you feel like you're not worth the amount do it anyway learning to push through the feelings has been one of the biggest ways that I have gotten out here and been successful in this thing that I want to do pushing through feeling like nobody sees me pushing through and feeling like I'm not worth 750 pushing through you know not thinking anybody's gonna listen you gotta learn to push through those feelings and when you learn to push through those feelings you will come out on the other side of it much more confident just what you know what I'm saying you will have the feelings and the tools and all that good stuff to be able to continue to push through and eventually find the success that you're looking for so yeah get out here and make your money girl $1,000 $1,500 make that money girl just don't let it make you so if you like this article like it subscribe if you haven't already and I will see you guys

in the next article bye

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