Creat Youtube channel and Get High Amount 2021 | Get High Amount |


How To Make Money From Youtube Channel

 Create a Youtube channel and Get High Amount 2021 | Get High Amount |

Hello guys in this article I want to show you how to create a you tube channel and then earn money in 2021 so right now I'm on my channel as you can see I already reached 1000 subscribers which means I can join you tube partner program and then i can earn money through Ad sense all right so when people put their ads on my videos i just get paid by the advertiser actually and you tube actually takes 45 percent of the cut i take 55 that's what all the you tube creators get and let me actually show you my you tube studio and for the last six days since this channel get monetized all right.

So if we go to analytics right here and there's a new tab called revenue when you actually get monetized you will see that I start earning a few dollars per day and actually is quite good right for a 1000 subscriber channel I think this income is pretty significant for myself i don't know for you guys and i just create simple tutorial article guys if you go to my you tube channel and as you can see I just create a simple tutorial on what I know and then i just create a video and people actually appreciate it.

Now let's jump into creating a you tube channel first we will need a Gmail account let's quickly create it I open a new connector window and then let's create an account hopefully we can get in by the way in my other article right this one i show you how to create gmail account without phone verification so this technique actually is done from my phone my mobile phone so i can create an account without actually putting in my phone number so i can easily create an account awesome awesome channel username awesome channel 2021 password okay so this is my password click on next they are asking for phone actually i don't want to put it in there mail next wow luckily.

We do we don't need full verification which is nice lucky lucky lucky usually they ask for phone verification so we have already done it in the incognito window and can close it so we go back to our you know what let's actually do it in the incognito window right sign in just now we already created awesome channel 2021 password all right we are in guys click on confirm so this is an example so i will not put in my actual face actually i can put in my tool face click on sign in and so right here create a channel get started so you can use the same name that you just now use which is awesome china 2021 or you can use a custom name what i recommend is you can use this one and then you can actually edit the name later it's up to you either one is fine guys so I'm going to my youtube studio right now is at the end of 2020 right coming

2021 soon they actually allow you to edit your you tube channel in the you tube studio not outside anymore it's inside the you tube studio learn more and surprisingly if you see there are actually over 40 millions you tube accounts since November 2019 crazy look at how many you tube channels there are on you tube over 40 millions guys for the last year close it up and you can scroll down there is this thing customization click on it close usually what i will do i will go to basic info first and then i want to change my channel name so i can name it something catchy alright.

The shorter your you tube channel name the better so people like can remember your brand easily so find something that's catchy it's really up to you I mean man name is really not a big deal you can always change it in the future the channel description you can put it short right now later you can edit it if you want best tutorial for affiliate marketing right that's what i do i teach people how to do affiliate marketing uh you can then i would usually skip language ling you can put in your email address that you just used just now so in case people want to contact you awesome channel right you can click on publish all right let's go to branding now we can upload our profile pictures let me find my photo actually.

I'll find something really silly here right so I'm just going to put in that proper picture it's up to you to put more pictures try to put your own pictures guys because at the end of the day, you want to build a brand right you want to be you a banner image place all right guys go to we can create our you tube banner easily for free by the way go to design then you tube templates so i will show you how exactly how I create you tube channels and then how I earn money after creating the you tube channel so right here you you will see there is you tube banner maker just click on this one you tube banner maker and look at it there are so many free ones that we can use I'm gonna sort it right here mix sorry by free okay.

There is a label right here it says free so you can use any of these for free because it is so high quality guys so professional I kind of like this one better it's clear I have a lot of youtube channels hundreds of youtube channels guys and I usually just use this free service and then i can create a professional youtube banner right and remember the size actually is not it's actually just around here guys after creating so many youtube banners I know that i only need this part I'm gonna drag this you can change the text right here I would say tutorials i will put it in the okay new videos every day subscribe awesome uh you can change the text color if you want and you can also change the graphic let me try this one so they ask you to sign up i actually have already have an account I'll click on login okay then i can just click on free download right here you can take the time guys to try all of these templates

it is really up to you but one thing to note is that try to have your text a little bit short because your banner will only show around here guys it's just around here maybe this will get cut off click the download so it's downloaded to my PC and then i can go back to my you tube studio i can upload that like the exact you tube banner all right as you can see this part is where everything is viewable if you have the text too long this Friday part people actually cannot read the Friday part so maybe i will do some edit here okay I'll move it here free download this is literally how to do it guys i show you everything okay even the mistakes i will show it to you so that you guys will not get stuck by the way.

If you like this article  so far make sure to click like and if you want you can subscribe to this channel because i have many more awesome tutorials coming up go back click on cancel upload again okay i think this is the one okay this one looks actually better click on done then you can actually put your video watermark if you want you can put in your face I usually don't pull it and click on publish right here just wait guys it probably takes like 30 seconds to one minute okay once it's done can go to channel and you will notice that the profile picture is not yet been updated you can click on refresh again but you see right here the icon is actually already uploaded so we just don't need to worry about it maybe in a few hours you tube will update this profile picture itself and let's go back to you tube studio right here there are a lot of setting that you can mess around but i usually only have two settings that I need to activate click on settings under uploads default right here you can click on advanced settings and then you can choose the category for your you tube channel what's your channel is about you can find is it under here i usually cannot find it under here unless if like it is obvious like sports travel or gaming.

You can choose how to or style because this channel is going to be a tutorial channel I will put in how to and style and the video language is going to be in English and depending on the language that you are going to use you can put it right here so you tube knows that was your target audience this is the only two setting that i want to mess around then click on save and there's one more guys that you need to do setting save so go back to setting again channel so we go to channel and then go to advanced settings this is the most important part guys you want to make this you need to set it to no this channel is not made for kids unless your channel is like reviewing toys or maybe your video is going to have a lot of kids in it or maybe there is a kid in your video so you need to set it to yes but i think most of the time you guys will not have a kid in your video right so you need to choose this if you put in yes usually you tube will disable your comments.

So people cannot comment into your you tube videos so I'm gonna set it to no and just click on save then the last thing again we go to channel now this is optional country of residence up to you feature eligibility this is the most important part guys is your features all right like uploading a custom thumbnails if you don't verify your phone number you tube doesn't allow you to put your custom thumbnails and you are limited only to less than 15 minutes of videos so you need to actually verify your phone number you can click on it and then you can put in your phone number and you tube will text you then you can get verified okay I'm gonna put in my phone number right here okay so it is sent to my phone number the six digit verification code okay i can click on submit ban congratulations your you tube account is now verified if you cannot put in your phone number guys you can try my other technique or my other trick i already created a video right here which is this one how to verify you tube account without phone number.

If you guys are stuck you can go read this article or maybe a very simple fix is just to buy a new sim card if your current phone number is not working you can just buy a new sim card right okay so our you tube account is now verified we are good to go guys we already done the first step which is to create a you tube channel now how to earn money with your you tube channel I already created a full explanation in this video guys how to make money by reviewing products if you guys want to review products you can go read this article i show you exactly how to earn part-time to full-time income by just removing products that is literally in your house right it can be a phone it can be a power bank there's a lot of items in your house that you can review and then you can earn money.

That way I highly recommend you go read this article if you want to earn money by reviewing products or what you can do you can do exactly what I'm doing right here teaching people what I know right I'm teaching people how to make money online by doing keyword research how to create a video and how to create thumbnails how to edit videos i do all these simple tutorials guys if i showed it by most popular video you will see that i have like a simple tutorial video and teach people how to do something right that the things that you already know and you will see right here i already have a few tutorials that people actually find it beneficial right and then once you reach 1000 subscribers you can monetize your you tube channel and you can just earn like a few dollars a day maybe 10 dollars per day.

If you have like over 5000 or 10000 subscribers I'm pretty sure you can earn full-time income right like 2000 10 000 per month I think it's very doable from the numbers that I'm seeing right now and from other people's channels also I'm noticing that they are earning quite a lot of money this is so this is like the second method to earn money with your you tube channel which is creating like tutorials or educational videos that you already know right just share your knowledge or your experience with people and the first one.

Just now is like doing product reviews right reviewing products like any product physical product that you have also there's actually the third one is to sell merge right like this one I actually bought this anime shirt because I'm just in love with it so what you can do is you can create a popular compilation videos like let me show you an example actually you can create a compilation of famous people you know or a famous you tubers if you watch a lot of their videos you can create like a best moments compilation right you compile the video and you edit it into one and this way you can actually promote a shirt design that have their catch work like for example john cena he keeps saying like you can't see me.

So he can create a shirt design like for example john cena You Can't see me right there's like a catchy word that he keeps saying so you can create a design that famous people keep saying I also have some shirt designs let me show you if you have like a pet's you tube channel you can like sell this cute pet shirt design right you just need to be creative guys if your channel is about peaks you can select pix design you can design this exact shirt in like a few minutes i actually have a tutorial in my channel that show you exactly how to design shirt so this is the article you can go watch this article i will show you everything from zero on how to design shirt and then put it onto your you tube channel sell it to people and make money that way there are so many other things guys and with your channel you can also promote affiliate products on amazon right you can even promote digital products on click bank let me log in quickly all right so right.

Now I'm in click bank marketplace you can see there are so many things that you can potentially sell and earn commissions like self-help dating guides there is like self-defense survival stress management there is home and garden animal care pets entertaining gardening interior design home buying there is cooking food and wine there are business like personal finance real estate and so many more guys and you will see right here this product is selling for 68 and you can earn up to 100 commissions guys but how do these people make money of course they're going to have up sells at the back end so that's.

How they make money is they can pay you exactly 68 there is also a stats right here people generally are making like 50 per sale for this product you can take a look at the sales page so whatever product you're promoting make sure it is good and it is actually beneficial to people so when you actually promote it to people you know people will find it really helpful and they actually thank you for promoting that product to them because that product had them actually right in the real life now if  you need any more tutorials guys on how to do like keyword research a more in-depth tutorial on how i compose articles you can go read my full training right here you can go to playlist and there is free training make money with you tube when you click on it i actually have article on how to do a video editing and how to create a video even without showing your face without using your own voice you can use an ai voice that sounds really like a real human you can go read this other article.

Training shows you exactly everything step by step from getting keyword ideas and then how to rank your you tube videos on you tube search results when people watch your video they can buy the product that you recommend and then you can earn the commission that way or you can create a simple tutorial video and when you reach 1000 subscribers you can join you tube partner program and earn money through advertising like just what I'm having right here this is for the past six days I'm earning on average i think on average is like eight dollars or maybe seven dollars anyway guys if  you are curious make sure to subscribe to this channel I will show you more in-depth articles in the future and also if you have any question you can ask me in the comment section below or you can ask me question on Facebook or Instagram.

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